September 3, 2013

# 77 Screw You

Today while scouting through my Facebook newsfeed I ran into a post linked by Kristen Called “642 Things To Write About”. She has decided to make it more so a fun challenge with those who want to participate. I thought this sounded interesting and put my hand up. Not only does it give you random topics you have to write about but you also meet other bloggers along the way. So here's cheers to my first of many posts in the 642 topic challenge.

                                                       #77 "Screw You"

I must admit this topic caught my eye and may have helped convince me to play along with the challenge and I could describe at least one or two things out of each day that I would class as screw you moments. For example, the cars that won't wait 2 seconds to let you out, the bills that all come at once when you've already paid a pile or even standard housework.

So today’s screw you moment is brought to you by housework.
Why am I the only one who can change a toilet roll? Why am I the only one who can hang their towel up instead of just dumping it on the ground somewhere? Why am I the only one who will pick something up as I walk past it knowing it doesn't belong there? Do I notice things need to be done more than others because I know it’s me who will have to do it anyway?

The answer is "because I'm mum".  "Mum will do this, I'll leave it to her or she'll do it when she comes back, she always does". Don't get me wrong, I love my family but these are screw you moments! A big kick in my face so to speak especially if I have already done it and now have to do it all again.

Speaking about being kicked, I finally got myself into gear and joined a boot camp, starting this Monday. Although I know I need it and there will be pain, I can't help but think out of an hour boot camp ill secretly be thinking screw you to the trainer for a good 52 minutes or so.

Running up and down stairs, yes screw you. Sit-ups and push-ups yep screw you again. Then when I'm dying and can't move anymore she'll spring the horrid squats on me, definitely screw you!

Just thinking about it is making me sore already!
Feel Free to leave a comment with your screw you moments or join the challenge!

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